Children, Families and Schools Committee Agenda Item 58(d)
Subject: Long-Term Sustainability of Youth-Led Grants
Date of meeting: 29 February 2024
Councillor Goldsmith
Councillor Shanks
Ward(s) affected: All
Green Notice of Motion
1) The value and importance of the Youth Led Grants Programme, which has provided vital support to projects which benefit young people aged 11 to 19 (or up to 25 if they have special educational needs) since 2018;
2) Proposals in budget papers from the meeting of the Strategy, Finance, and City Regeneration Committee on the 8th February, to remove the full £80,000 previously allocated to the Youth-Led Grants Programme, though later partially addressed by halving this cut;
3) The negative impact the £40k loss of funding will have on the projects which have previously benefitted from these grants and the young people they support, especially on young people who are not eligible for free school meals and so will therefore not be able to access HAF funding;
4) Uncertainty around future budgets and central government funding that make grant programmes such as this possible.
This committee therefore:
1) Requests that a report be brought to a future Children, Families, and Schools Committee later this year, exploring additional/alternative revenue streams for the Youth Led Grants programme, to ensure its long-term sustainability, including possible contributions from local businesses who may wish to support such a programme.